Research indicates that two-thirds of all classroom supplies are provided by teachers averaging $600 annually out-of-pocket.
“Apples for the Students” helps to bridge that gap. Participating schools can earn/receive equipment ranging from pencils, crayons, sporting goods, science related equipment, electronics, computer related items and much more.
Join with us and help stimulate a more positive environment for our local schools, students, faculty, and staff. Collect receipts from Russ’s Market stores to help schools earn FREE educational awards!
The Enrollment Process Is Simple:
- Each participating school should assign a “Coordinator” (parent liaison or PTA/PTO group) to lead this campaign.
- Coordinator has the option of logging onto www.aftsAWG.com or calling our toll-free number at 800.999.7750 to speak with a representative who can provide enrollment assistance.
- An eKit containing program information, instructions, downloads, etc. will be transmitted to the Coordinator once enrolled.
- It is the Coordinator’s responsibility to “advertise” the school’s participation in “Apples for the Students” to ALL school supporters (parents, family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.,) encourage them to shop at your local sponsoring supermarket and submit their register receipts to the school.
- The school then redeems the collected receipts for FREE awards, delivered directly to the school.

Raise money for your school or non-profit! The Save-A-Label program is an extremely successful program which helps non-profit organizations raise money. Your group can earn $0.03 for each Best Choice UPC symbol redeemed, with a minimum of 1,000 labels required for redemption.
Learn more information about this program: https://bestchoicebrand.com/save-a-label/
More Services
- Assistance sacking groceries
- Covered parcel pick-up to load your purchases
- Utility payment drop location
- ATM machine