
How The Program Works….

Research indicates that two-thirds of all classroom supplies are provided by teachers averaging $600 annually out-of-pocket.

“Apples for the Students” helps to bridge that gap. Participating schools can earn/receive equipment ranging from pencils, crayons, sporting goods, science related equipment, electronics, computer related items and much more.

Join with us and help stimulate a more positive environment for our local schools, students, faculty, and staff. Collect receipts from Russ’s Market stores to help schools earn FREE educational awards!

The Enrollment Process Is Simple:

  1. Each participating school should assign a “Coordinator” (parent liaison or PTA/PTO group) to lead this campaign.
  2. Coordinator has the option of logging onto or calling our toll-free number at 800.999.7750 to speak with a representative who can provide enrollment assistance.
  3. An eKit containing program information, instructions, downloads, etc. will be transmitted to the Coordinator once enrolled.
  4. It is the Coordinator’s responsibility to “advertise” the school’s participation in “Apples for the Students” to ALL school supporters (parents, family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.,) encourage them to shop at your local sponsoring supermarket and submit their register receipts to the school.
  5. The school then redeems the collected receipts for FREE awards, delivered directly to the school.

Raise money for your school or non-profit! The Save-A-Label program is an extremely successful program which helps non-profit organizations raise money. Your group can earn $0.03 for each Best Choice UPC symbol redeemed, with a minimum of 1,000 labels required for redemption.

Learn more information about this program:

More Services

  • Assistance sacking groceries
  • Covered parcel pick-up to load your purchases
  • Utility payment drop location
  • ATM machine